Narconon program steps

Prevention and rehabilitation from drug addiction and alcoholism


Arrivo al centro Narconon

First of all we do and interview with the person who's going to do the Program. In this interview we gather some information about his addiction (from drugs or alcohol), his state of health and his life in generale. Then we show him the Narconon Program introductive video and the regulations about the conduct to be held in the center.



La crisi di astinenza sopraggiunge nel momento in cui il tossicodipendente smette di assumere droga. Tale fenomeno può essere talmente violento da risultare come una vera e propria tortura e la maggior parte dei tossicodipendenti preferiscono continuare con la dipendenza e assumere un’altra dose piuttosto che affrontare questa fase e liberarsi. Il Programma Narconon utilizza alcune tecniche che aiutano ad alleviare il disagio percepito in questa fase e talvolta ad eliminarlo completamente, senza l’uso di medicinali ma con il solo supplemento di vitamine ed integratori alimentari. Tale fase avviene con la supervisione degli operatori 24 ore su 24 e la consulenza medica.



Drugs, once taken, are not completely discharged from the body. Some parts remain stored in the body, even after a lot of time, and when these substances go back in the blood stream, they trigger the drug craving. A very important part of the rehabilitation process is the discharge of these residual particles and the Narconon Program makes it possibile through a cycle of sauna, physical exercise and correct nutrition.



On this course the person does some specific exercises aimed at raising his awareness and having an increased control on the world around him through a better communication with his surroundings. Those who used drugs are often "suspended" in some past experiences, even if unknowingly, and this avoids him to perceive the world around him as it really is and as other people see it. The interactions with his surroundings help him get over this problem with success.



On this course you learn that there are only two types of personalities, very different from one another: the social and the anti-social personalities. By studying their characteristics the person will be able to better evaluate which are the people to be with and to help and which can affect him negatively and prevent his success.



In a society where personal values are confused, people lost sight of what really matters: what is right? What is wrong? Personal integrity is a touchy area together with Ethics and honesty. This course teaches to the person how to decide if something is right or wrong; how to work out his personal course of action and how to live in a constructive way following this lines.

The guest of the center here faces his wrong doings of the past, which had a negative effect on himself and others. This are the actions that prevent him from completely rehabilitate. With a new idea of moral sense, the ability to tell good from bad and free from the wight of past mistakes, the former addict has a future full of hope in front of him.



Narconon Gabbiano, XXX anniversario

Failures discourage us and makes us think that in the end, life cannot be anyway better and that things are destined to get worse and worse. This course shows to our guests that something can be done and by applying some precise formulas any situation or condition in life can get better. Here one learns that by acting correctly life can improve a lot.

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