My son is an addict

Prevention and rehabilitation from drug addiction and alcoholism

Mio figlio si droga - come devo comportarmi? Narconon Sud Europa - recupero tossicodipendenti e alcolistiFinding out that your son is using drugs can be a shocking discovery.

That boy or man that for a mother will always be a sweet and loving child, is now a bad-tempered, angry person who commits crimes, but above all is self-destructing and you really don't know what to do to stop this fast descent.

You are probably blaming yourself. You are thinking to all the times you did wrong, when you didn't give him the right attentions, or maybe you willingly ignored some signs, underestimating them. You are thinking to the moment when you caught him with the first cigarettes... and the first joints. You let the world convince you that it wasn't a problem, because this would be too big a problem to face and in that moment you didn't have the strength.

To blame oneself doesn't make any good. You have to act, because that bad tempered boy still needs his parents, actually he needs them more than ever but he will never show it and he'll deny the problem, until the end.

The good news is that many people went through this and made it.

At Narconon for more than 50 years we're helping other people getting out of this bad situation, all over the world, getting families back together. The experience we gained is enough to be able to act fast and persuade the person to receive help.

Many of our staff members have gone through an addiction themselves, acquiring in this way an unparalleled willingness in helping others and a direct experience, which have proved to be very important in helping other people getting through the same problem.

Therefore, even if it looks impossible to you that your son may accept some help, please contact Narconon and set up a meeting with our staff.

The Narconon program doesn't use any drugs or medicines, it's relatively short in duration and its unique. The guests of our centers express daily some personal gains and they are happy that somebody helped them getting out of that terrible condition that is drug addiction.

Fill in the following form, a member of our staff will contact you on the same day for an advice without any obligation:

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