Regional enrollment

Prevention and rehabilitation from drug addiction and alcoholism

Associazione Narconon Sud Europa is enrolled in Regione Lombardia, the region where it operated and had its headquarters, with Decree number 10983 of 11/27/2013 as a Social Promotion Association, in the appropriate section F) with Scope of action A) Social/Civil - Ethical and Spiritual research.

Here's the Decree:

Narconon Sud Europa Riconoscimento Regionale pag.1

Narconon Sud Europa Riconoscimento Regionale pag.2

Narconon Sud Europa Riconoscimento Regionale pag.3

We also received a beautiful acknowledgment from Regional Counsellor Dr. Maria Teresa Baldini, and we proudly show it here!

Narconon Sud Europa Riconoscimento Regione Lombardia

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